Soft House Washing

How to House Wash: The Ultimate Guide to house washing

House washing can seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and preparation, it’s definitely doable. In this blog post, we’ll be outlining the different types of house washes, detailing best practices for washing each kind of property, and providing instructions on how to wet down and wash your home in the correct order. By following these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to a sparkling-clean home!

The Different Types of House Washes

-Liquid house washing: This type of wash uses a cleaning solution to clean your home. Liquid washes are the easiest to use, and they usually require less water than other types of washes.

-Dishwashing detergent: Dishwashing detergents can also be used as house washes. They contain powerful cleaning agents that help remove dirt and grime from all surfaces in your home.

-Water: House washing with just water is the simplest way to clean your home. Just wet down your exterior walls and rooflines, pour some gallons of water onto your cleaning supplies (dishwashing detergent, buckets, or sponges), and start scrubbing.

-All-purpose cleaner: All-purpose cleaning cleaners can be used as a house wash. Just wet down your exterior walls and rooflines, pour the cleaning solution onto your cleaning supplies (dishwashing detergent, buckets, or sponges), and start scrubbing.

There are several different types of house washes available on the market today, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. 

Some house washes are designed to remove dirt, dust, pollen, leaves, or other debris from surfaces. Other house washes are specifically designed for removing oil or grease from fabrics or carpets. Still, others can be used to clean windows and mirrors. 

 Knowing which type of wash is best suited for your needs will help you get the most out of your investment.

Best Practices for House Washing

There are several best practices to follow when it comes to house washing. Firstly, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced professional to do the job, as they will have the necessary equipment and knowledge to effectively clean your home without causing any damage. They should also use high-quality, environmentally friendly cleaning products to ensure the safety of their family, pets, and plants. It is also a good idea to cover any sensitive areas, such as plants, shrubs, and outdoor furniture, to protect them from the cleaning solution. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any cleaning products used and to test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that the solution does not cause any discoloration or damage to the surface. It is also a good idea to schedule the house washing at a time when the weather is dry, as wet surfaces can be slippery and can cause the cleaning solution to dilute or runoff. Finally, it is essential to follow all safety precautions, such as wearing protective clothing and eyewear and ensuring that all electrical equipment is properly grounded.

Preparing the Environment for House Washing

Preparing the environment for house washing is an important step to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the cleaning process. Before beginning the house washing, it is important to remove any loose debris or obstacles from the area around the house. This includes removing any plants, flowers, or other objects that may be in the way of the washing equipment. It is also important to protect any sensitive areas, such as gardens or landscaping, by covering them with tarps or plastic sheeting. In addition, it may be necessary to turn off any outdoor sprinkler systems to prevent interference with the washing process. Once the environment has been prepared, house washing can be conducted safely and efficiently.

Additionally, it is a good idea to inform any neighbors or nearby residents about the house washing, as it may generate some noise and activity. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or potential conflicts. It is also a good idea to check the weather forecast and plan the house washing for a day with clear, dry conditions. This will ensure that the house is able to dry properly after the washing and prevent any potential damage from rain or other wet weather. Overall, preparing the environment for house washing requires some planning and attention to detail, but it is a necessary step to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Choosing the Right Soap for House Washing

Choosing the right soap for house washing is essential if you want your home to look and smell clean. There are a variety of different soaps available on the market, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks.

Here are four tips to help you choose the perfect soap for your needs: 

-Look for a soap that is gentle enough for use on delicate surfaces like windows and glassware.

-Make sure the soap contains surfactants or chemicals that will foam up when mixed with water. This helps remove dirt, dust, and bacteria from surfaces.

-Choose a soap specifically designed for cleaning bathrooms or other spaces with high levels of moisture content. Many soaps labeled “bathroom” also contain moisturizers to keep skin soft while it’s being cleaned

House washing can be a daunting task, but with the right soap, it can be a breeze. Before you get started, make sure the soap is appropriate for your cleaning needs. For general cleaning needs, such as cleaning surfaces and floors, use a mild or gel-based soap. For tougher or more difficult stains, use an enzyme-based or hard water cleaner. Finally, test a small inconspicuous area to ensure that the soap does not cause any damage or discoloration before using it on entire surfaces.

Window Washing

Wetting Down the House before washing

Housecleaning can be a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that wetting down the house before washing will help reduce the amount of time and energy needed to clean.

Wetting down surfaces helps remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may have settled during the day. This process also activates some of the cleaning chemicals in detergents, which makes them work more effectively. By doing this ahead of time, you’ll save both time and money on your cleaning bill.

Before you begin washing anything, it’s important to wet down the entire house. This will help remove any dirt, dust, and residue that may have built up over the past day or so. Fill a sprayer with water and turn it on to full blast. Run around the house spraying water onto all surfaces of windows, siding, porches, and even patios if they’re exposed to weather elements until it starts coming out of the gutters! Make sure to rinse everything off thoroughly before beginning your wash process.

Washing the House in Order

There’s no need to rush when cleaning the house. By washing in order, you’ll be able to avoid damaging surfaces and maximize the effectiveness of your cleaning materials.

Start by cleaning exterior windows and trim with a mild or gel-based cleaner. Follow up with a water-soluble cleaner if necessary. Next, clean siding, gutter guards, and any other exterior surfaces that may be stained or grimy. If there are areas around the house that get particularly dirty or wet (elevators, bathrooms), it may be best to wait until those areas have been cleaned before proceeding.

Washing the house is a necessary and often tedious task, but it can be made a lot easier with a bit of preparation and forethought. Before you even start cleaning, make sure to do a thorough walkthrough of each room to make sure there are no dirt or stains left behind. Next, choose the suitable detergent and rinse cycle for the type of surface you’re washing. For example, if you’re washing windows, use a soft bristle detergent with a warm water cycle. Use high-pressure washers on lino or tile floors only if necessary otherwise, avoid using too much pressure as this could damage the flooring. If you have hardwood or vinyl flooring, wash it using gentle soap and warm water – never use hot water! Finally, keep an eye out for areas that were missed during the original cleaning and clean them up accordingly.


House washing is an important task that can help to clean your home and remove dirt, dust, and allergens. In this blog, we have outlined the different steps involved in house washing and provided tips on how to achieve the best results. If you are ready to start cleaning your home like a pro, make sure to read through all the information and start washing your house today.

At Total Service Pro Roof Cleaning and Pressure Washing, we know how important it is to get your home cleaning done right, and that’s why our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best possible service. With years of experience under their belts, they’ll be able to help you clean every nook and cranny in your home quickly, efficiently, and without damaging any surfaces.